The quality of the work produced by MFS is totally outstanding, as is the quality of the unique training system students receive at the school. The list below helps give a sense of what makes MFS the choice for students who are serious about working in the film industry:
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Matrikas Film School is an exciting place to be, especially for serious film learners, active film studio.
Practical experience: On most of our courses, students are supported by their tutors and a professionals to work as professional. Students benefit from hands-on experience via numerous shooting and directing exercises, tailored coaching through one-to-one and group sessions with our tutors and access to state-of-the-art digital technology.
Preparing you for your career: We work hard to prepare our students to make films that will work in cinema, but we also understand film in the broader sense, and prepare students for new career paths within the changing digital landscape by providing insight into the various platforms through which film can now be enjoyed, from Internet video-on-demand to mobile phones and HD TV.
Programmes to fit your needs: We select students who show passion, talent, and determination to succeed, and offer a full-time programmes, whether you're a school leaver looking for an intensive programme; a graduate looking to build on your academic experience with a highly practical immersive programme; or a working professional considering a change in career direction.