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About MFS


An important part of the MFS curriculum is its one-on-one tutoring. This program is designed not only to help students master their specific craft but also to help them discover and develop their individual talents. Whether you need assistance in honing your writing skills or require guidance in crafting a persuasive essay, our dedicated tutors are here to support you every step of the way. 

Write a persuasive essay for me for and unlock your potential as a compelling writer. Our experienced tutors will provide valuable insights and techniques to help you effectively structure your arguments, engage your audience, and convey your ideas persuasively. With their guidance, you'll gain the skills and confidence needed to excel in persuasive writing.


Each student is closely followed by their TUTOR as well as by a film professional in their area of specialization. Students meet with the professionals in very workshop. At MFS the emphasis is on bringing together a faculty with enormous experience in the film and television industries, combined with the ability to deliver totally engaging, relevant practical training in the art and craft of filmmaking



The school continues to stay abreast of new technology, and is now entering a period of consolidation, whilst exciting new connections are being made.Our constructive hands-on approach is there to be developed, nurtured and celebrated. Ambitious filmmakers everywhere: come and take part. MFS runs professional-standard practical training in all the key areas of filmmaking