Welcome to the online application centre for the Matrikas film School. To make your application online, please complete the registration form below, giving us your name, contact information and a few other personal details.

Select course *
Name *
Family name *
Sex *
Date of birth *
Nationality *
Father's name *
Father's occupation *
Mother's name *
Mother's occupation *
Mobile *
Language you speak *
Language you know *
Education qualification *
Address *
City *
State *
Pin code *
Country *
Write short note why you choose this course? *
Please describe your experience in the following areas (IF ANY): Acting, cinematography, editing, filmmaking, cinematography, events, journalism
How did you hear about us? *
Please tick this box to confirm your consent for us to store your data. *
I agree to the term & condition of the MFS *
Please enter the code:

Note: * Starred fields are required.